Luke sequencing at the AANHCP headquarters.
This is Step 3 in the ISNHCP practitioner training program.
Dates: Sequencing is held during Step 2 clinics. Other days may be scheduled separately as needed with Luke to meet Step 3 requirements.
- May 4-8 2020
- June 15-19 2020
- July 27-31 2020
- October 19-23 2020
Sign up or contact Luke with any questions.
Description: This clinic will teach the student how to properly sequence the horse for trimming. Included will be learning to “free rein” the horse and how to implement relative dominance. The length of the clinic will be 1 day with an option for a 2nd day if desired or needed. * 2 Days are highly recommended. Minimum 2 students, maximum of 5 students.
Requirements: All students must have completed previous ISNCHP steps 1-2. All students must bring the required equipment. (chaps, gloves, hoof stand..etc.)
Location: We will start each day in Newfields, NH and head to various locations where the horses are located.
Cost: $250 per day
Use the PayPal button below to pay for Step 3 – $250