Luke began his career in Natural Hoof Care in 2003 when he removed the shoes off he and Merrilea’s horses. A friend where he boarded his horses kept his horses barefoot and had mentioned you could take a clinic with Jaime Jackson to learn natural hoof care. At the time the name Jaime Jackson meant nothing to Luke. But after a short search online it was clear Jaime was the guy to go to after seeing he had done the research on wild horses in the Great Basin. Luke picked up a copy of The Horse Owners Guide to Natural Hoof Care by Jaime Jackson. After reading through multiple times and making notes he went and pulled his horses shoes. Within six months both he and Merrilea’s horses were moving perfectly barefoot. It was then Luke knew he wanted to have a career in natural hoof care.
Luke in currently a certified natural hoof care practitioner with the AANHCP and ISNHCP for whom he is and instructor and clinician. Luke also conducts horse owner informational clinics, natural diet consultations and Paddock Paradise consultation and design.